If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to discover your strengths and give yourself every possible opportunity to leverage them each day. It goes without saying that you need to be damn good at what you do.
Taking the time to discoverย your strengths and focus on perfecting the skills that’ll help you become the best in your industry, becomes a very crucial decision point in every entrepreneur’s journey. Especially on the road to validating a business idea, getting the early traction and acquiring your first paying customers.
Through my interviews and experiences working with successful entrepreneurs, I’ve come to notice many remarkable similarities they tend to share in common.
They’re often ruthless when it comes to bothย opportunity managementย and time management, which very quickly becomeย defining traits as an entrepreneur.
They know the importance of optimizing their lifestyleย and doing their most challengingย work at the time of day that best suits them.
They never give upย and actively refuse to take no for an answer.
However, what I’ve really found interesting is that whileย every entrepreneur I’ve had the opportunity to meet shares a common resilience and drive for success, they also have just as many glaring differences between each other.
Their approach to achieving success, and the tools they employ in doing so, varies greatly.
Often, their most noticeable differences lie in theย core strengths they possess.
While, on the other hand, their similarities emanate from how well they’ve identified andย improved their strengthsย over time, toย compensate for what they lacked in other skills, talents, and character traits.
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The Importance of Discovering Your Strengths and Leveraging Them
Here’s a real-life example.
Early tech rivals Bill Gates (of Microsoft) and Steve Jobs (of Apple) both introduced radical innovations in the world of computing, that have had a far-reaching impact into the lives of nearly everyone on the planet. But, they could not have been more different when it comes to their entrepreneurial strengths.
While Gates himself was aย highly skilledย software engineerย who personally wroteย codeย for Microsoft products as late as 1989, Jobs was an unmatched design thinker who attended calligraphy classes as an informal student, and never wrote a single line ofย code for Apple.
These two entrepreneurs made lasting impacts with very similar product offerings, in the exact same industry, during the same period of time, with a completely different set of strengths and skills.
It was their shared ability to identify and lean on their most useful strengths & skills, thatย allowed them to achieve greatness.
Some entrepreneurs, like Richard Branson and Mark Cuban, thrive on interpersonal skills, leveraging their people networks to grow their businesses over time.
Others get their start by leveraging their well-trained technical skills, like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.
Yet still, others are driven by a mesmerizing creativity, like Leo Burnett and Walt Disney, that enables them to inspire large numbers of people with their creations. Or on the other hand, my own mastery of useful blogging skills have been immensely helpful in skyrocketing my business… which have led to new opportunities talking about subjects like podcast hosting, the best blog hosting and much more over time.
In reality, there are a nearly unlimited number ofย character traits such as a strong leadership ability, being a good negotiator, andย having a laser-likeย focus, that can contribute to your success as an entrepreneur.
The deciding factor in how successful you’ll become in the world of business is really how quickly and effectively you can find your strengths, build them into valuable assets for your cause, and focus relentlessly on only doing activities and getting into business ideas that engage your strengths.
In 2014, Gallup revealed the findings of a mind-blowing study about entrepreneurship, which involved years of research and collaboration with 2,500 entrepreneurs towards building a better understanding of businessย creation and growth. Among other things, the study uncoveredย two very interesting findings.
1. There areย ten talents that drive entrepreneurial success.
2. You have a greater chance of success if you stick with your core strengths and natural talents.
While otherย businessย icons and researchersย may disagree onย what the ten talents are that drive entrepreneurial success, there’s undoubtedly anย overwhelming consensus that success is most often achieved by focusing on utilizing your core strengths and talents.
This could not be more true for me, and in everything I do with my business.
I’m a huge advocate of never starting a businessย in an industry I haven’t operated in, and neverย serving customersย I’m not already very familiar with. It’s part of my personal system for launching a successful business. Thus, nurturing my core strengths and focusing on doing only what I do best (for the people I can best serve) has become crucial to my success.
Should You Improve Upon Your Weaknesses?
I feel very strongly that unless your weaknesses will truly cripple your business goals, you should do everything in your power to avoid business opportunities and roles where you’d be forced to use them at all. Sometimes it’s inevitable that you’ll need to do things you’re not good at, and that’s fine. However, you should strive to limit that exposure whenever possible.
When new opportunities come my wayย as a freelance content marketer,ย if they require doing activities that aren’t within my core strengthsโif they’re not around building and executing on a content marketing strategyโI’ve found it best to either actively turn down that work or outsource thoseย weaknesses to others who can help complement me.
Here’s my reasoning. Time is infinitely more valuable than money to me.
Would you rather spend your time driving business growth by using the strengthsย youโre already skilledย at, or should you spend your limited personal time learning a new skill that’s currently outside of your wheelhouse? There are times when taking a pit stop to pick up a new skill, like learning how to code, can be very worthwhile (or essential), but only if your goal is to develop that skill into a core strength for the years to come.
8ย Steps to Discover Your Strengths as an Entrepreneur
Some people are good with numbers.
Some are skilledย atย coding.
Others (like me) are great at telling stories and simplifyingย complex ideas.
How about you? What are you good at?
We’ve established that knowing your strengths and actively playing to them is key to succeeding in anyย business you start. In fact, your strengths (talents, skills, passions, character traits) mayย have been the spark that drove you to want to start a business in the first place. That’s why you need to focus on building the best strengths for entrepreneurs.
Before moving on, it’s important to first make a clear distinction between soft skills and hard skills, as they’ll combine to make up your entrepreneurial strengths.
Soft skills: Personal attributes that enable you to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.
Hard skills: Specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured.
Pulled straight from my Skill Assessment for Entrepreneurs, here are my eightย steps to discovering your strengths in business. For a more meaningful experience, pick up the guide now and follow along with me.
1. Determining Your Soft Skills
As we mentioned above, soft skills are your personal attributes that enable youย to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.
In short, these are the skills you possess, that you canโt necessarily quantify. This is your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), not your IQ. Here are some examples of soft skills:
- Having a strong sense of self-awareness
- Being optimistic
- Being resilient
- Having patience
- Being a good listener
When I started my first side business, I pretty much only possessed soft skills. What I lacked in hard skills like coding talent, marketing chops, and writing abilities at the time, I significantly made up for in determination, optimism, and people skills that would help me build the meaningful connections Iโd need, to get my business off the ground without doing everything myself.ย Later on, I trained myself to become proficient with the hard skills my business (and future companies) would need.
In our comparison between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs from above, Jobs clearly possessed and leaned on his strongest soft skills, in order to champion Apple through to success. In many ways, Jobs was a phenomenal example of the best skills for entrepreneurs to possess in terms of dedication to creating for the customer. Gates on the other hand, in the beginning, took the opposite approach and utilized his hard skills within Microsoft.
My free Skill Assessment Guide walks you step-by-step through the process of both looking inward and getting outside feedback to help you discover which soft skills are your strongest assets. This is an essential step in the process to defining how you’ll interact with others, and which complementary traits you should look for in potential business partners and employeesโand evaluating whether or not you’d thrive with a work from home job or self-employed endeavor.
2. Breaking Down Your Biggest Wins
During the week I launched my very first online course on winning freelance clients, I slept an average of 4-5 hours each night and still made it into work at my day job.
Yet still, I felt energized every single day of that week.
I was emailing back & forth with people who were considering buying my course, answering tons of questions, and giving away some of the content for free to the motivated people that simply couldnโt afford to buy it at the time. I built so many great relationships that continue to flourish. I absolutely loved it, even though it was an incredibly difficultย week. This was a huge win for me.
From the events that transpired that week, I learned so much about myself in terms of which soft skills of mine continued to bubble up to the surface and help me become successful.
To name just a few, I learned that I very naturally fall into the role of becoming aย personal mentor to people, I learned that I was even more open to critical feedback than I previously believed, and I got to see a direct, positive impact on how my sense of humor helped me drive clearย business results. This launch experience taught me a lot about which soft skills I’d need to continue leveraging within my business.
Now, it’s your turn. Think of a time you did a great job on challenging work project, or a time you felt particularly accomplished with something you worked on. Ask yourself what exactly were you doing at the time, and which soft skills you employed to help you achieve your end result.
3. Figuring Out What Comes Naturally to You
Part of determining what your strengths are as an entrepreneur, is taking an inward look back into the past and figuring out what you’ve always been a natural at.
What have your friends, coaches, teachers, managers, or even your parents always told you youโre a natural at? This can fall into many different categories, so don’t get hung up on thinking of this as a strictly “on the court” or “in the classroom” type of strength. Start by asking yourself these questions:
- Did you always find yourself being the mediator between your group of friends?
- Was is always easier for you to pick up complex physics in class?
- Were you often the one making plans and figuring out the logistics of getting from point A to point B?
- Are you a naturally talentedย athlete?
- Do you haveย the ability to make others smile and laugh?
Focus on coming up with at least five things you’re a natural at, and then breaking down which soft skills of yours have helped you be such a natural. These are most likely your strongest soft skills – ones you’ve possessed since very early on in your life.
4. Asking Others What Your Strengths Are
Once you’ve done some introspection and come up with a handful of strengths that you believe to be your strongest assets, it’s time to turn to the people you know and trust, to get an outside opinion.
Left completely to my own devices a few years ago, I would’ve thought that one of my most valuable strengths at the time, was my ability to build my own WordPress website without needing outside development or design assistance in order to create my dream blog layout.
And you know what? That is definitely still a strength in my book. However, in the grand scheme of things, working on website features really isn’t the bestย utilization of my time and it’s notย what I’m best at. I decided that in order to be as successful as possible with my business, I need to beย only doing what I’m absolutely best at, and leveraging my strongest skills in the process.
It was my close group of friends and business mentors that helped guide me to a place where I could identify the fact that I’m much better suited at spending my time writing (one of my greatest strengths) and connecting directly with the people in my community, as opposed to getting deep in the woods of working on website features.ย Without that clarity, I would’ve been wasting some of my talents.
So, let’s reach out to three to five people who know you very well, trust you, and would give you honest feedback. You can pick up the template for this reach out message in my Skill Assessment Guide.
You’re going to ask them to share with you, what they believe to be three of your biggest strengths, and if they can include any examples of when you demonstrated those abilities, that’s a majorย plus. Your goal is to get a consensus back from those who know you best, aboutย what they perceive to be your strengths. The responses could completely surprise you, or help validate your business idea and confirm what you already believe to be true about yourself.
5. Run Through a Hypothetical Scenario
Imagine your boss, coach, or teacher gives you a group project that needs to be completed by the end of the week.
Your success at your job, on the court, or in the classroom depends solely upon completing this activity well, and itโs a great opportunity to show what youโre made of.
Seriously, think of an example in your head. Create a hypothetical situation that’s relevant to your life and where you’re at right now, in which you have three team members joining you on this project.
Now, ask yourself which role you naturally assume within your group. Do you become the organizer, leader, creative, a moderator, take a back seat, or something else entirely?
- Is there a specific part of the project you’re more naturally inclined to take on?
- Do you like the overall planning phase (like creating a blog business plan), or do you prefer getting straight down to business and doing the actual legwork during the project?
- Do you take the initiative to assign responsibilities, or do you prefer to be given your role within the group?
- Do you interject if someone else starts to take over the role you want within the group?
Answering all of these questions for yourself will tell you a great deal about how you work in teams, and which strengths you’ll naturally play to. From there, you can take a look back at which soft skills help you through the process of working on a group project.
6. What Are Some of Your Hard Skills?
Hard skills are your well-defined, easily measured strengths and abilities. These are what most people think of when it comes to “skills,” but they aren’t in my opinion, what are most important when it comes to becoming a successful entrepreneur. They can always be learned over time, whereas a soft skill like being a strong leader, isn’t acquired by attending an online business courseย on nights & weekends.
Nevertheless, acknowledging, understanding, and focusing on using your hard skills is essential to maximizing your success potential.ย Here are a few examples of common hard skills that entrepreneurs possess:
- Coding: Writing HTML, CSS, Ruby, Javascript, etc.
- Design: Proficiency with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.
- Writing: Being able to take complex ideas, break them down into digestible bits, and craft them into compelling stories
- Analysis: Advanced financial modeling abilities in Microsoft Excel, complex statistical analysis, data mining, advising on taxes for bloggers
- Marketing: Search Engine Optimization, SEM, proficiency with social media platforms, being adept at promoting a blog
For me, my most prominent hard skills are my writing ability, an advanced working knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite, and a deep understanding of SEO. The combination of these three hard skills is what helped me start a blog, come up with smart blog post ideas that can become high quality content, develop visually appealing content for my online blogging courses and execute on my plans to make money blogging.
On top of that, I’ve been able to grow in my ability to teach others how to write a blog post, how to write a headline that converts, best practices for outlining a blog post, writing an eBook, identifying and finding a target audience, what it takes to nail your blog SEO and plenty more blogging-related skills that can now be monetized in many different ways.
7. What Do You Love to Do?
How would you spend your time if you didn’t have to go into work every day?
Look first to the things you already do in your limited free hoursย around work and spending time with friends & family.
Do you like helping your friends talk through difficult situations at work or in their personal lives? Do you spend your free time writing about life lessons youโve learned through your travels? Do you go on outdoor adventures every weekend?
If youโre anything like me, then you love to do the things youโre already good at. Itโs human nature. Trying new things and risking failure can beย uncomfortable at first.
At this point in my life, I have a true love sharing my experiences in business through my writing, and pushing myself to my personal limits with long-distance running. If I could do the two of those things completely full-time, I would (and that’s the plan).
By my own measure, Iโm already good at both writing and running.
However, when I think back to how painful it was,ย as I wasย just beginning to sharpen my abilities at both, there were many times I contemplated giving up. Once I got my first handful of breakthroughs, I had the momentum and confidence to keep pushing, and slowly I began to love them both.
Taking a look at the things you truly love doing, and identifying which soft skills you employ most when doing these activities will help you further narrow down your core strengths as an entrepreneur.
8. Deciding What Comes Next
Once you’ve gone through the process of identifying all of your core soft and hard skills, the real question is, what will you do with this knowledge?
By now, if you’ve gone through myย Skill Assessment Guide side-by-side with this post, you’ll have landed on (and ranked) your top 5 soft skills that are going to get you the furthest in business.
You’ll have also settled on the hard skills that’ll be most instrumental in starting your next side business.
What you decide to do with this knowledge is completely up to you. The easiest thing to do is to stay content with what you’re doing at your day job, even if your work is meaningless.
I challenge you to start looking for more meaningful remote jobs (or for that matter, freelance jobs, work from home jobs or blogging jobs that might be a good fit) where you can focus on building your core skills, engaging your strengths, and continue discovering what you’re truly passionate about in life.
Personally, I’ve found that starting a side projectย can often be one of the most rewardingย experiences you’ll ever have. Mine (this website) has been an instrument by which I’ve gotten to have a connection, however small, with hundreds of thousands of people over the past couple of years. Now that’s more motivating than any motivational quote I’ve seen.
The Power of Knowing Your Strengths as an Entrepreneur
The next step toward finding a way to launch into a meaningful self-employed career, is to combine yourย soft and hard skills,ย to come up with profitableย business ideasย that’ll engage your strengths and areas of interest.
If you’re passionate about cooking, naturally step into a role of mentoring others, and have a knack for writing & speaking, I’d be willing to bet that you’d stand a strong chance of success in creating a food blog, or offering one-on-one cooking classes in your area.
Naturally, you’ll need to pick up some more skills and learn a bit about digital marketing along the way, but by starting in a place where you’re engaging your interests and strengths, you’ll be motivated to push forward.
If you haven’t already, download my free Skill Assessment for Entrepreneurs and uncover what your true strengths are.
Firstly, thank you for your writing. I learn something new in every post and email I receive from you. Thank you for sharing valuable information and helping us (me) move toward my goals – one step at a time.
It’s great getting your guidance at times I feel I am stuck.
Thank you and keep inspiring us.
Thanks for the kind words! Can you share more about your business goals? Feel free to email them back to me if you don’t want to comment about them here!
I believe my strongest soft skill is my EQ (emotional intelligence). I’m surprised how many people lack it and find it to be something I can use to my advantage.
My #1 hard skill would probably be my SEO knowledge and experience. A close second is probably WordPress.
Even though I’ve been doing SEO for over 5 years and it was something I wanted to focus on, I’ve found I have a deep interest in writing, social and content dev/marketing.
With the hard skills I have worked to get better at along with my interests and natural talents, I’ve started working on building a side content dev/marketing business, Bite Sized Media (as you may have heard me mention before).
Things are starting to pick up a bit, so I am working a lot on the typical things startups do, which is working on Everything! ๐ Service offering development, process, marketing, sales, etc.
That’s awesome! You definitely have a very complementary combination of soft & hard skills for doing writing-related content marketing work. I’ve been enjoying watching your work, keep it up! ๐
Hey Ryan,
Thanks for this post – fantastic points on soft/hard skills. My hard skill right now is web design/coding and soft skill would be strategy and leadership. My problem is that as I’ve grown, I’ve learned more about my deeper core values and desire to be in a different community/network. I was going to build a small side business that teaches people how to code with new tools, but I just don’t feel I’m truly passionate about it. My background is creative/music work, but I shifted into tech for a few years because I could write the code. I’m not sure how, but I feel like I was in a strange hybrid role “front-end developer” for the past few years that miraged me into thinking I was doing design work (really just coding other people’s) I’ve done some deep inner work and have a general plan to pivot out of coding into a self-growth blog, but I don’t really have a track record of that community. The tricky part I’m running into is that I’ve built a small reputation as a developer, and now I’m not truly fulfilled doing that work or participating in that community. I want to have my own business, but I feel that my skills in the desired field of self-growth/health are not really there. Do you think if I were to create a super simple product or course and learn as I go, I could realistically create an online business that’s decently profitable? Over time I would surely invest back into the business with any profits to grow my learnings.
Great question and thanks for the background info! First of all, it’s a very good thing that you can self-identify the feeling that you’re not truly fulfilled by staying in development (even though you’ve built your skills and reputation there). That being said, can you find a way to marry your current background with your future aspirations? Self-growth designed specifically for those whom you relate best to – the developer community. I’d think that your style of communication and the way you present everything on your website, would naturally speak to that community as you get started.. from there, you could grow out of just that niche and into the broader market of personal growth.
In my opinion (and experience), you’re going to have a MUCH tougher time jumping straight into a market as broad as “personal growth.” By first taking the time to serve a well-targeted niche, like “personal growth for __________________,” such as personal growth for developers, you’ll be able to better build your reputation as a reliable, trustworthy, valuable site/figure for personal growth.
Feel free to shoot me an email, I’m happy to be sounding board for you. ryan@ryrob.com.
Great article! I have been fighting this so much lately as I try to find ways to grow my business. I keep having the conversation with myself that goes along the lines of something like “if I learn to speak better, I can do a podcast and grow that way”.
I have to keep backing up myself though. Trying to be something I am not at this point in time is going to cost me more time and money than its probably worth.
Stick with what I know. Tell myself that everyday it seems.
Your line of thinking is on the right path *for this stage in business.*
I think it’s great (and necessary) to keep learning new abilities and improve upon the skills & strengths that are going to help you better grow your business in the future. But, not at the expense of underutilizing your strengths in the beginning.
As you’re just getting started, utilizing your current strengths to their fullest, is by far your best shot at making the most progress in the beginning. That’s not to say that starting a podcast wouldn’t be good for your business.. but as you already noted, it’s not currently very natural (or core) to what you’re best at. I saw you do accounting for small business owners, how are you currently finding new customers? You can email me if you’d like to take this more privately! ryan@ryrob.com
Thank you for this position … I think as soon entrepreneur three years I still ongoing to find my voice. This article helped me get an idea in the sense that I have evolved is very difficult to focus on what one or two things in our country and be able to get by in what you do.
Thanks Ryan
I don’t have the exact words to describe how thankful I’m for you wrote this nice article on strengths of an entrepreneurs. While reading it I was totally connected with your words and imagining my self applying and working on most of these skills you mentioned.
I’m still gripped by how you’re able to publish multiple articles under a piece of it. Epic!
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Av. Guadalupe 743 (esquina Las Torres), Col.
Ryan your article is so helpful to the new generation entrepreneur or the individuals who wants to become an entrepreneur. Much love to your content. I love your thought about the importance of the digital marketing in the process of becoming an entrepreneur because i think that it is the time of internet and it can help u in the step of becoming an entrepreneur.
Great article by the way.
Keep posting these types of article they are motivating us
Great read, beautiful writing, very engaging.
Wow! Inspirational writer Ryan has helped me great deal in talent/strength identification and launching these core personal values for greater entrepreneurial opportunity.
Hi Ryan,
I’m just starting out on my entrepreneurial journey and your writings on the topic have been a lifesaver. I’m practically reading it like a textbook to make sure I do this right! Thank you for making this available for the public to learn from you.
Very much motivating, discover the Strength in you , Positive attitude.
This is great article man. I look forward to knowing you more. I got value. Up you man.
Thanks, Justice! Looking forward to getting to know you more as well ๐
Ryan you have gone through so much thinking and research for writing this article. Thank you for sharing this great article with us. This blog is worth reading. Keep sharing this kind of post in the future.
Ah, thank you so much for the kind words! ๐