Domain Name Generator Free Tool to Generate Domain Names

Need an available domain name for your blog? This free domain name generator comes up with clever domain name ideas & helps you secure the perfect domain name.

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Find the Perfect Domain Name for Your Blog (or Website) Using this Free Domain Name Generator

Whether you’re looking to start a blog (or make a business website), it’s getting increasingly difficult to find perfect domain name ideas… let alone hope to get lucky enough that your dream .com domain is still available.

Well, take a deep breath. You’re not alone. Choosing the perfect website name can feel like a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to come up with domain name ideas that are easy to remember, look good, and aren’t taken yet. And while it’s still ideal to land yourself a .com domain name, there are plenty of great domain extensions (also known as suffixes or TLDs) like .co, .blog, .me, .net, .io and many more that are growing in popularity today.

Fortunately, I built this free domain name generator tool to help you find the perfect domain name in seconds. Plus, it checks domain availability to make sure your domain name search returns only available creative domain names based on the keywords you search above.

What is a Domain Name Generator?

A domain name generator is a free tool with a search box to run an instant domain search & suggest a list of unique, available website addresses to choose from. Domain name generators help new bloggers and business owners find an available domain name for their website.

What is a Domain Name Generator Tool (Screenshot in Use)
Example of a domain name search and available domain names for a coffee & donuts biz 😂

By typing a keyword (or phrase) related to your business into the search bar, this domain name generator tool will instantly provide you with a list of good domain names to choose from. This list can then be searched to see if the domain is available to register. This is a great way to save time and come up with a domain name that perfectly matches the website.

The best domain name generators will help you quickly accomplish these things:

  1. Suggest creative domain names on a range of popular domain extensions
  2. Instantly check domain name availability and filter out already taken results
  3. Give you a link to quickly purchase the domain from a reputable domain registrar
  4. Offer you multiple options for domain registrars to choose from (based on budget)

Once you’ve found your new domain name, whether you’re launching an eCommerce business, moving your online store, starting a blog, building a website for your existing business or otherwise—my free tool will help you purchase that catchy domain name before someone else snatches it up.

What Makes a Good Domain Name?

When searching for a domain name, your real goal is to build an online destination that’ll attract people, right? With that in mind, you’ll want to choose a name that’s as short as possible, easy to understand, ideally contains a word that’s relevant to your business—and on a popular domain extension. This will maximize your chances of establishing trust & authority with both readers and search engine algorithms.

Domain Name Examples (Domain Name Ideas for Inspiration)
Examples of great domain names for different types of businesses.

The best domain names will meet these three major criteria, they’re:

  • Short: Aim for less than 10-15 characters, shorter is always better while staying relevant
  • Relevant: They contain a word that’s relevant to your business or the content you’ll be publishing
  • Trustworthy: They end in a .com, .co, .me, .io or .blog domain extension (the most popular TLDs)

While of course you can still find the perfect domain name for you that doesn’t check off all these criteria, if you’re able to register a domain with word combinations that does meet these standards, you’ll be setting your website up for success.

Which Domain Extensions (TLDs & Suffixes) Are Best Today?

A domain extension (also called the top-level domain) is the suffix at the end of a website address like .com, .net, or .org amongst many other options. It’s the part of your web address that comes after the last dot—and often helps to identify the type of organization or purpose of the website.

Domain Name Extension Example (ryrob Screenshot)
Example of my blog’s domain name and .com extension.

Domain extensions provide a lot of useful information about a website (both to readers and search engines like Google attempting to understand a site) before you even visit it. For example, a .gov domain extension tells you the website is run by a government agency, while a .edu domain extension tells you the website is an educational institution.

Choosing the right domain extension for your needs will help you send helpful signals to your future audience and search engines alike. Here’s a ranked list of the most popular TLDs to consider for your website today:

  • .com (best extension for businesses and bloggers if you can find the right domain name)
  • .co (good backup if your dream .com domain isn’t available and the .co is)
  • .me (great for personal blogs, freelancers, consultants and portfolio websites)
  • .blog (my favorite backup domain extension for a blog-based business)
  • .biz (a decent backup domain extension for businesses, but slightly less professional)
  • .site (a generic suffix that can be used in a variety of ways)
  • .live (perfect suffix if you plan on starting a vlog and live-streaming video content)
  • .org (most often used for non-profit organizations)
  • .io (most often used for startups, SaaS companies & tech tools)
  • .ai (an increasingly popular domain extension for AI-powered tools)
  • .net (good option for tech and web-based companies)
  • .gov (this domain extension is reserved for US government use)
  • .edu (this one is limited to use by educational institutions)
  • (this country-specific TLD is best for businesses located in the United Kingdom)
  • .us (this country-specific domain extension is best for US-based businesses)

The prefix in your domain name is the portion that comes before the extension. For example, the prefix of my blog’s domain name is ryrob—my nickname. A great domain prefix (for SEO purposes) can include a word that’s related to the niche you’re blogging about, it can simply be your name, brand name, business name or a fun play on words. Check out my in-depth guide to naming your blog for even more inspiration.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that no companies paid to be listed here, and I only recommend domain name registration companies I’ve personally used and stand behind. When you use one of my affiliate links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and keep these tools free of charge for readers (like you).

Features of the Best Domain Name Generators (and This Free Tool)

With the goal of finding your dream domain name in mind, we built this free domain search tool to suggest dozens of available domain name ideas that you can quickly purchase from a reputable registrar.

Keyword-Driven Domain Name Search

Including a relevant keyword in your domain name is a really nice bonus, if you can find an available name that meets your expectations. I’ll be the first to tell you though, it’s not essential to your online success, as my blog ( technically has no subject matter relevance whatsoever. That said, it will most likely help give your readers and search engines some useful context about the content they can expect on your site.

Keyword-Focused  Domain Name (SkatingTips Example)
My domain generator tool is heavily keyword-focused to suggest available domain names in your niche.

Keep in mind that if the primary word in your dream domain name isn’t available, consider using synonyms that still convey the same meaning to readers (and search engine algorithms). For example, if you really want to build a blog around the overarching theme of “skating tips,” considering some alternate domain ideas that focus instead around phrases like “skating advice,” “skating tutorials,” or “learn to skate” as a keyword phrase.

Instantly Checks Domain Availability (So You Only See Available Domain Names)

Who wants to see all of the amazing domain names that are no longer available for registration? Not only would that waste your precious time sifting through clicking on dozens of the best domain names that are already taken, but it’s just plain mean to show off every name you can’t have.

I wouldn’t do that to you. All of the domain names you’ll be shown in my tool above here, are confirmed to be available for registration. If you don’t find an option you like, try getting a little more specific with your search or find some inspiration from my guide to naming your blog.

One-Click Connection to Trustworthy Domain Registrars (to Buy Your Domain Name)

The best domain name generators won’t just give you a single recommended registrar for purchasing your domain—they’ll give you options. Because domain registrars are often running special promotions & sales, I want you have the opportunity to compare between all of the top most trustworthy domain registrars and see where you can get the best deal for your needs.

My domain name generator gives you the top options for trustworthy companies to register your domain.

Domain registrars like Namecheap and Hover are best if you just want to purchase your domain today and save it for a project you’ll start working on later. If you want to actually get your website (or blog) up and running soon though, you’re best move will be buying your domain name from either Bluehost, Dreamhost or GoDaddy—where you’ll be able to get an affordable hosting plan at the same exact time.

7 Best Alternative Free Domain Name Generators to Get the Right Domain Name

If after using my free domain name generator, you’re still on the hunt for the best domain name ideas, no hard feelings—I’ll be the first to point you towards these free domain search tools to get even more domain name suggestions & ideas.

1. SmartWP

SmartWP Domain Name Generator (Alternative) Example

SmartWP is a blog and suite of WordPress tools (including a clever domain name generator) that I run with my friend, Andy. We set out to create a site with the goal of delivering easy access to the best WordPress products, services, and resources—ranging from themes to plugins, hosting services, and more. We also have a huge library of helpful tutorials and WordPress guides to help you get started and make the most out of your WordPress experience.

2. Nameboy

Nameboy Screenshot Example

Name boy works in much the same way most domain name generators function. It displays available domain names that it generates from phrases and words you type into the search bar. However, this is a much more bare-bones domain and business name generator than most. It has no filtering and no multiple category suggestion lists, among other simplified features. It does however, have instructions on what to do after you’ve selected the domain name. For a novice in the blogging game, these kinds of tutorials can be helpful.

3. Domain Wheel

Domain Wheel's Domain Name Generators You Can Use

Domain Wheel is a pretty straightforward domain name generator with a beautiful, clean interface. It asks you to input phrases or words that describe your blog and outputs several potential domain names you could register. There’s even an option to filter out the TLDs that you don’t want to see—such as .us or .org. Beneath the suggested domain names is another list of random ideas that you can browse too. There are even suggestions for domain names that rhyme with your keywords, as well as a list of random suggestions to help inspire you.

4. Lean Domain Search

Lean Domain Search (Screenshot)

The word lean is right there in the title. This minimalistic take on a domain generator allows you to quickly search for available names and compare domain prices from multiple different domain registrars, with a focus on helping you find the best prices. You can also review, rate and compare the features between each domain registrar. If you’re a small business owner on a budget, this tool is a good alternative to mine.

5. Panabee

Panabee's Domain Name Generator Homepage Example

Panabee is a pretty standard blog domain name generator, and has a very visually appealing design layout. You can input as many search terms as you want into the search bar and it’ll spew out available domain names—it’ll also show you blog names that are taken, to gather more inspiration. For the available domain names, it shows you the pricing and directs you straight to GoDaddy to buy them. In a side menu, there are also options to help you rank the domain names by TLD extensions and there’s also a translation tab for domains not in English.

6. BustAName

Bust A Name Domain Name Generator Example (Screenshot)

Bust A Name has a pretty straightforward interface to navigate, but it’s definitely a bit dated. While it visually feels like it’s built for your grandparents to “get online” for the first time, their simple navigation allows you to input words and phrases to generate a list of clever website names. It also allows you to filter by domain extensions—and more uniquely, to shorten or elongate your domain name by multiple characters. It also allows you to purchase the domain name from a link that’s embedded into the search results. There are also options to help the domain name sound more normal, or to even generate random domain names to choose from. Options are also available to shift languages for domain names for other countries rather than the US or UK.

7. Namestation

NameStation Domain Name Generator (Screenshot)

NameStation is a full-featured domain name generator, though they do force an account sign up before seeing the results of your domain search now. It takes inputs the same way as most domain name generators, but also includes several filters to narrow down your choices. It has the option to hide taken domains and generate creative custom domain names, as well as extension filters. It also has options to buy the domain names you’re seeing, and it’s capable of generating thousands of ideas so you won’t have to worry about scarcity. However, the best thing about Name Station is their clean design and layout. There are no distractions—there’s a simple display and there are no hiccups to be found.

The Best Domain Registrars to Use for Registering Your Domain Name Today

Once you’ve landed on the right domain name during your search, it’s time to purchase that beautiful piece of digital real estate before someone else gets wise to it. Don’t tweet about it until you lock it down. These are my picks for the best places to register your domain name (all of which you can choose from using my tool above).

Dreamhost: Budget-Friendly + Web Hosting

Dreamhost was founded in 1997 by four college friends. Their about page explains, “We’ve been around for 18 years, which is like 80 years in internet years. We proudly host over 1.5 million websites, WordPress blogs, and apps.” Dreamhost is one of only a couple hosting companies officially recommended by WordPress, as well as being a domain registrar, and when it comes to bundling these two services, they’re my number one choice. I use them to register almost all of my domain names, because they’re affordable and powered by kind people.

Bluehost: Great Technical Support + Web Hosting

Bluehost, known primarily as a great inexpensive web hosting company, is also a domain name registrar. It was founded in 2003 and hosts over 2 million websites today. Along with Dreamhost, they’re also WordPress recommended and I use them for a number of my websites. If you’re starting a new blog and you’d like to simplify the process—having your domain name and hosting plan bundled together is a smart choice. Of the domain registrars that offer hosting, Bluehost is one of my favorites because they have great tech support. With a Bluehost hosting plan, you get a free domain name and a free SSL certificate, which is awesome.

Hover: Budget-Friendly Domain Names

Hover first hit the domain registration scene in 2009. It was an offshoot of another enormous ICANN-accredited domain registrar called Tucows Inc. Hover is solely focused on domain name registration and while they also sell email services, you won’t be pressured to buy additional services like hosting or website builders because they don’t offer them. For that reason, they’ll often have the lowest pricing on domain names, which is great if you’re just looking to secure a domain and do something with it later.

Namecheap: Budget-Friendly Domain + Blog Hosting

Namecheap is a company founded in 2000 by CEO Richard Kirkendall. Though they now offer web hosting plans and several other services for website owners—their number one focus was originally domain names. To date, Namecheap claims to have registered over 10 million domains, which is insane. With cheaper pricing options and a solid reputation in the space, Namecheap is a favorite among many bloggers for registering domain names.

GoDaddy: Established Brand + Budget-Friendly Domains

GoDaddy is like the self-obsessed celebrity of the domain name registrar world. You’ve seen them in Super Bowl ads, covering every square inch of your favorite NASCAR driver, and at the top of most Google searches (in the paid position). They may not be my number one choice, but they’re probably the most well-known registrar on the market. GoDaddy was founded in 1997 by entrepreneur Bob Parsons. Today, GoDaddy reports that it has provided over 78 million domain names. They also claim to have nearly 19 million customers worldwide—and while my personal experience with them has been mixed to say the least, many people love the platform.

Shopify: Best Domains for eCommerce & Online Stores

Shopify is an eCommerce platform that allows businesses to create an online store. It gives you an easy-to-use interface to create and customize your store, allowing you to manage products, inventory, payments, track key business analytics, and tap into a suite of marketing tools to help generate more sales. On top of all that, they’re also a domain registrar—so if you want to start an online store to sell physical products, Shopify is already the best platform for that. You might as well register your domain name with them and keep everything in one single platform.

Domain Name Generator FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions I get from readers when it comes to domain names.

Will my domain name impact my Google search rankings?

The short answer is yes, the domain name you choose will have an impact on your Google search rankings. If you choose a very long, difficult to understand domain name and register it on an obscure domain extension… like then you’re going to have a hard time convincing both readers & search engines (like Google) that your website should be taken seriously.

Strive for shorter domain names that are somewhat relevant to your business or the content you’ll be publishing—and when available aim for a .com, .co, .me, .io, or .blog extension to maximize your chances of success.

Which domain registrars offer the best web hosting packages?

If you’re planning to power your blog (or website) with WordPress—which I highly recommend—you’ll want to start the domain name registration process with the same company you plan to use for your web hosting plan. I recommend going with either Dreamhost or Bluehost, where you’ll be able to get a free domain name at your time of checkout when you go with one of their web hosting plans.

Dreamhost has a range of blog hosting plans, including a monthly hosting plan that starts at $4.95/mo. While Bluehost doesn’t have a monthly option, you can get their hosting starting at $2.95/mo.

Should I avoid registering a domain name with hyphens in it?

While there isn’t a hard rule against choosing a domain name with a hyphen in it, I’d highly recommend avoiding that if you can. From an SEO perspective, search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and others, assign higher authority in their search algorithms to both shorter domain names, and those that end in a .com domain extension. Thus, the perfect domain name is one that isn’t too long and ends in a .com.

Does this tool work as a business name generator?

Not exactly! While I do really like the idea of including a business name generator functionality to this tool, my primary focus is on helping you to land a domain name that can represent yourself or your business online. In that way, this free tool will give you fun domain name ideas to work with—and maybe one of those domains sparks the inspiration for a business name, too.

Will this domain generator tool also suggest social media usernames?

Today, no. This tool doesn’t support searching for available social media usernames. But if that’s a feature you want, we can do it—just tweet at @TheRyanRobinson and let me know! 😊

Tool built by the incredibly talented @Sup.