Should You Give Up On Your Blog?How to Know When to Quit Blogging (and When to Stick it Out): 8 Considerations

Should you give up on your blog? It’s a question most bloggers have wondered at some point, and perhaps it’s on your mind too. It can be difficult to decide when to quit blogging—or identify when it makes sense to stick it out. Here’s my guide to making that decision for yourself.

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Asking yourself the question, should you give up on your blog? doesn’t mean you’ve failed in your blogging efforts. Quite the contrary, actually.

I’m a big believer that it’s important to first acknowledge the effort you’ve already put into your blog—and the fact that you’re thoughtfully evaluating whether or not it makes sense to quit your blog, or keep investing your valuable time, energy and financial resources into your site, is a sign of great maturity in how you’re viewing your blog.

Should You Give Up on Your Blog? When to Quit Blogging (and When to Stick it Out)

  1. 4 Good Reasons to Give Up on Your Blog
  2. 4 Good Reasons to Stick with Your Blog
  3. How to (Gracefully) Quit Your Blog
  4. How to Turn Your Blog Around (if You’re Sticking with it)
  5. You Haven’t Wasted Your Time if You Do Quit Your Blog

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At the end of the day, there are many very natural, normal, justified reasons why you may be considering giving up on your blog…

Whatever’s going on, you’re thinking about making the hard decision of giving up on your blog.

You might be worried about quitting your blog too soon, or doing so for the wrong reasons. Or perhaps you feel that “quitting is for losers,” even though it’s getting harder and harder to show up and write for your blog each week.

So, to help you answer this critical question for your own unique set of circumstances, let’s dig into some realistic reasons to give up on your blog… and some of the good reasons to consider keeping going.

4 Good Reasons to Give Up on Your Blog

If you’re thinking about giving up on your blog, see whether one of these (very justifiable) reasons resonates with you.

Should You Quit Blogging if You're Frustrated and Stressed? (Stock Image of Blogger)

Keep in mind though, that (in my experience) it’s often most tempting to quit blogging before you’ve seen some momentum with your site.

So, be honest in asking yourself whether or not you’ve truly invested a meaningful amount of sustained time & effort into growing your blog since getting started. Now, let’s dive in.

1. Your Niche Won’t Make Money (and that’s a Primary Goal)

If you’re aiming to make money online as one of the primary reasons you launched your blog in the first place, you might find your niche just isn’t a good fit for that goal. Check out my guide on how much money bloggers make (broken down by niche).

Some blogging niches lend themselves perfectly to making money in relatively straightforward ways. For example, if you’re writing about something that falls under a niche like personal finance, health, small business, travel or tons of other broad blog niches, you’ll have plenty of options for monetizing your blog—with enough time, effort and experimentation. Check out my list of profitable niches to blog about for some inspiration.

But other niches just don’t work as well to generate massive profits… however much you may love them. Maybe you’re a massive fan of the cult sci-fi show X-Files, and you run a blog devoted to all things X-Files… but apart from a tiny bit of affiliate commission on show-based merchandise, there probably isn’t much you can do to make money from that niche.

Note: If you’re enjoying blogging in your niche, then it’s totally fine (encouraged) to keep it as a hobby. Don’t feel that you have to make money from your blog if that’s not a major goal of yours. Just be realistic about what you can afford to spend on things like hosting, themes and plugins for operating your site.

2. You’re Bored of Your Niche

Perhaps you carefully chose a niche that’ll eventually allow for monetization… but after a few months of blogging, you just can’t face writing more about that topic. You’re burnt out.

This is an easy trap for ambitious bloggers to fall into. While it might seem logical to pick a niche with clear money-making potential like “credit cards” or “tech reviews,” it’ll be very hard to build a successful blog if you’re just not deeply interested in the topic you’ve committed to covering. Especially in the face of stiff (and highly interested) competition along the way.

Sometimes, blogging boredom also creeps in because you’ve outgrown your niche.

Maybe you launched a blog about dieting, nutrition and weight loss while you were working hard to lose 50 pounds last year… but now that you’ve lost the weight, you no longer have much of an interest in that subject matter.

In this case, I’d argue it’s actually very natural and healthy to consider moving on from this blog—or at the very least, look critically at ways you could pivot the content topics into an area you’re more energized by today.

3. Your Blog Feels Like a Chore

This feeling can be a tricky one to pin down, because there’s not always an obvious cause.

Maybe you’re making some money from your blog. Maybe you do like the topic you’re writing about.

But the blogging “work” itself just feels like yet another thing on your to-do list.

This can be particularly the case when blogging is your side business. If you’re tired from long days at your full-time job, from family care responsibilities, or simply from the ongoing impact of Covid-19, then working on your blog may seem like just one thing too many for now.

Don’t keep blogging if it’s making you miserable. Instead, you might want to start a different type of business—or channel your creativity into a new type of outlet.

4. Your Blog is Likely to Land You in (Bad) Trouble

While this is a less likely situation than the reasons above, it’s worth mentioning.

If your blog is likely to cause serious problems in your life, that’s probably a good reason to quit blogging.

Maybe your blog is part of a side hustle that could get you fired from your day job. Or perhaps your “satire” celebrity blog could land you in legal hot water for libel. Or maybe you have family members or friends who’d be deeply hurt by how you’ve portrayed them in your posts.

Whatever the exact situation, if you can see big imminent trouble coming your way as a result of the content you’re publishing, it might be time to quit your blog (while you’re still ahead) and start something new & less controversial for your needs.

4 Good Reasons to Stick with Your Blog

Often, pushing forward and persevering through a challenging new endeavor is well worth the effort… even when you’re not quite sure what to do next (we’ll be covering that soon).

Image of Blogger and Podcaster with Microphone (Good Reasons to Keep Blogging Example)

Here are some good reasons to keep blogging—and focus your efforts around exploring fresh ways to stick it out a little longer.

1. You’re Making Progress (Just Not as Quickly as You’d Like)

Too many bloggers quit because they’re not yet seeing the progress they want. But every successful blogger will also tell you that it took time to get readers and to make a steady income (myself included).

Take a look at your blog’s key metrics today—compared with six months ago, or a year ago.

  • Are you making more money?
  • Do you have more traffic?
  • More newsletter subscribers?

If you’re making any progress and you still feel energized with your content, it’s worth sticking with your blog.

Check out the pointers we’re going through (below) for turning things around and moving your blog further, faster.

2. You Still Love the Blog Topics You’re Covering

If you chose your niche well, you hopefully still love writing about the core topics your blog covers. Perhaps (hopefully) it’s something you’d happily attend talks on, go to conferences for and chat about all day.

Even if your blog isn’t making much money yet, or getting many readers, it’s still worth sticking with your blog if you’re enjoying writing it.

If you do want your blog to be a business though, make sure you’re spending at least a little bit of time working on the tasks that’ll help it grow.

3. You’d Like to Keep Blogging (but You Need a Break)

Some bloggers end up quitting not because they dislike their blog, but simply because they’re feeling burned out.

It’s okay to take a break from blogging.

  • If you’ve hit a busy patch at work
  • If you’re going through a big life change like a new addition to the family or a house move
  • If you just need to catch up on some sleep or shift your focus to other creative endeavors

It’s not a reasonable goal to expect that you’ll make it as an overnight success in blogging, which means it’ll take weeks, months, likely years of showing up regularly to carve out a substantial business within your niche.

The kind of sustained effort required to promote your blog and bring in more readers, doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Take a break when your mind is telling you it’s necessary, and come back to your blog with a refreshed outlook.

4. Your Blog is Helping Your Career

Your blog might not be bringing in millions of readers, or making thousands of dollars each month… but it could still be very valuable to your career and thus worth sticking with.

  • Maybe your blog is giving you vital experience in using tech tools like WordPress
  • Perhaps it’s a great place to showcase your best writing work that could justify a promotion at work
  • It could be that your blog is getting your name out there and helping you land well-paid freelance jobs

If you enjoy blogging and it’s helping you, even indirectly, then it’s worth sticking with.

So, have you made up your mind yet?

Whether you’ve decided to quit blogging… or you’re committed to sticking with it, here’s what to do.

How to (Gracefully) Quit Your Blog

Stock Image of a Blogger Computer on a Desk

Many bloggers never truly (thoughtfully) quit. They just stop blogging one day.

The weeks and months go by and eventually, when their web hosting company prompts them to renew their domain, they just decide in the moment to let it go.

And poof! All their work vanishes from the Internet, overnight.

This doesn’t help you—and it doesn’t help anyone else either. Even if you think nobody is reading your blog, the reality is that some people are probably finding your posts through search engines, social media platforms, forums and other blogs may have linked to your content too. By abandoning your blog, you’re abandoning others too.

Plus, if you do decide to start another blog in the future, it’ll be tougher to get it off the ground. You won’t have a keen, loyal audience on your first blog anymore—they’ll have moved on.

Here’s how to quit blogging deliberately (and gracefully) so that the door always remains cracked open.

Publish a Final Farewell Post on Your Blog

Even if you haven’t been blogging for several months or years, I highly recommend writing a final farewell piece for your blog.

Explain that you’ll no longer be updating the blog, but that you hope people still enjoy reading the existing articles you’ve written—especially if you know you’ve had readers that’ve benefited from the content you’ve shared with them.

Link to some of your best pieces from this post—particularly to any content that’s generating affiliate revenue or product sales that you’d like to retain. Your blog can still make money for you, even if you’re not actively writing fresh content.

Let People Know Where to Find Your New Blog (if Applicable)

Are you starting up a new blog? Let your old readers know about it.

Even if it’s in a completely different niche, some of your readers are likely to be interested in the new topic—and others may well check out your blog simply because they enjoy your writing and like you as a person.

Linking to your new website from your old one also helps with your new site’s SEO (search engine optimization). This makes it easier for your new site to rank well in Google and other search engines, so if you can afford in your blog budget to retain your old site, this is a smart move.

Update Your Old Contact and About Pages

Chances are, you’ll want to make some changes to the information on your Contact page and About page after quitting your old blog.

Use these pages to let readers know that the blog is no longer being updated, if you plan to keep your blog live moving forward in the immediate term.

You could take down your contact information altogether, or you could leave them up if you’re open to advertising inquiries and connection requests. With your About page, you might want to link to your new blog (if you’re starting a new one) or any other project you’re working on.

Close Down Your Email List

If you have an email list, send readers a final email to let them know that your blog is closing.

Tell them how to join you at your new site—or how to sign up for your new email list if that’s applicable to your future plans.

After this final email, don’t be tempted to repurpose your old email list for your new blog or project, unless it’s on a very similar topic. Otherwise, you’re likely to get a lot of complaints from people who feel that you’re spamming them.

Consider Selling Your Blog

Selling a blog can be a great way to bring in one final sum of money, which might help you fund your next project.

For instance, you might want to use the proceeds from selling your old blog to invest toward a premium WordPress theme or managed WordPress hosting to accelerate the growth opportunities you’ll have with a future blog.

Selling your blog is also a great way to move on without letting all your hard work fade away. Someone with real enthusiasm for your topic could buy your blog and keep it going for years to come.

How to Turn Your Blog Around (if You’re Sticking with it)

What if you decided to keep blogging, but you’ve recognized that something needs to change? The good news is that a turnaround is almost always possible.

Stock Image of Turning Your Blog Around and Desk with Computer

Here are five ways to start the process of turning things around with your blog—rather than deciding to quit blogging altogether.

If You’re Burned Out… Take a Break

While it’s generally a good idea to post consistently, you can take a break from your blog if you need one.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head to publish a new piece every Tuesday (or else!). Let readers know that you won’t be posting for a few weeks, and put up a post with links to your best existing content (and products) for them to check out in the meantime.

Not only does this give you a chance to rest, it also encourages readers to dig deeper into your website. Hopefully, you’ll come back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, to readers who are excited to see you blogging again.

If You’re Blogging Too Much… Change Your Publishing Schedule

Maybe you’re blogging several times a week, and it’s just too much to sustain right now. You might feel like you’re on a content treadmill, constantly rushing to get posts out.

Try reducing your publishing frequency to match your constraints today.

If you’re posting every weekday, drop it down to 2 or 3 days per week. If you’re posting twice a week, try once a week instead.

You’ll likely find that you can write stronger, more detailed posts as a result, too. You may well find that your readers prefer a lower posting frequency, too.

If You’re in a Time Crunch… Hire Help

Are you struggling to keep up with everything your business requires?

If you’re making money blogging, you’re not just writing posts. You’re also likely doing things like sending emails, creating graphics, answering comments, posting on social media, working on partnerships, coordinating with sponsors and much more.

You can hire help with any blogging related task to help reduce your own time burdens.

Consider these different ways to bring an extra set of hands on to help with your blog-related tasks:

  • You could hire a freelance writer to produce posts for you
  • You could bring on a virtual assistant to answer emails for you
  • Hire a graphic designer to create all of your blog images and social media graphics

While you might be able to do everything yourself when you’re just starting out, there’ll come a point where you can’t grow your blog business without bringing on help.

If You’re Not Seeing Results… Get Strategic (and Experiment)

Maybe you’ve written dozens (or even hundreds) of blog posts, but you’re just not getting the results you’d hoped for.

Perhaps you have plenty of blog traffic already, but relatively little actual income flowing from those posts. Or maybe you’re not even getting much traffic yet, and want to figure out how to unlock the right sources of new readers your content needs.

It’s time to get strategic, creative and open yourself up to experimenting with your blog.

That might mean choosing a few key posts and investing some time in optimizing your content for search engines.

It could mean combing through your most popular posts and making sure each one includes at least a link or two, out to a product or service you offer. It may even mean hiring a business coach or joining a business-focused Facebook group to get some advice from someone who’s already experienced what you’re going through.

If You’re Getting Bored… Change Direction

One of the greatest things about blogging, is that you can easily pivot and go in a new direction anytime.

Plenty of bloggers start writing about one thing, and gradually (or sometimes suddenly) change their focus—myself included.

While you probably won’t want to do a complete 180º turn, you can certainly shift from one topic to another somewhat related one. For instance, you might start out writing about gardening, but later shift your focus to sustainable living, at-home farming or even retirement hobbies.

You Haven’t Wasted Your Time if You Do Quit Your Blog

There’s no shame in deciding to quit blogging. In fact, plenty of successful bloggers abandoned a blog (or even several blogs) before hitting their stride with a topic they truly loved.

No Shame in Giving Up on Your Blog (Stock Image of Bloggers and Computer)

Remember, even if you do choose to quit blogging, the time you spent on your blog isn’t wasted.

  • You can still keep your blog online: The content you’ve written will continue to help people. If you have products for sale, affiliate links, or advertising on your site, you can continue to make some revenue without publishing new content.
  • You learned a huge amount that will help you with your next project: Even if you decide to take your old blog offline completely, you’ll still have all the knowledge you’ve gained. For instance, you might have got to grips with how to set up a WordPress site or how to structure a blog post.
  • You gained skills that could help you in your career: Being able to write well is a crucial skill for many jobs. Having a strong grasp of WordPress, and potentially other software like CRM tools or keyword research tools, can also be great for your resume.
  • You connected with new people who may be able to help you in the future: Perhaps you met other up-and-coming bloggers, or you guest posted on a larger site, or you joined a few Facebook groups. Those connections could be really valuable in getting your next project off the ground.

You might want to spend a few minutes jotting down any key lessons you’ve learned from your blogging experience—and any specific skills or contacts you’ve gained, that you don’t want to forget about.

Final Thoughts: Should You Quit Your Blog or Should You Stick With it?

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you want to give up on your blog—or keep writing for it. Nobody else can (or should) make that decision for you.

The good news? If you take my advice and simply decide to pause your blogging efforts (or take a break) when feeling a bit burnt out… then commit yourself to coming back when it feels right with a fresh set of eyes and the willingness to experiment, then your blog will still be right where you left it.

The reality is that it can take a long time to see success from blogging. If you want to reach your goals, you’ll need to persevere—whether that means doubling down on your efforts with your current blog, switching things up or quitting it in order to start working on something new entirely.

Even after weighing the pros and cons, you may still not be sure whether or not quitting your blog is the right decision…

Why not take a break from your blog?

Publish a post explaining that you’ll be away for a few weeks (or months), and link to some of your best content for readers to enjoy in the meantime.

Hopefully, a bit of time away from your blog will give you the perspective you need to make the best decision for you.

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Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

I'm a blogger, but I'm not my blog. I am not my business either. Occasional podcaster and very-much-recovering side project addict. Co-Founder at RightBlogger. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog and build a purpose-connected business. Be sure to take my free blogging tools for a spin... especially my wildly popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer. They rule. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter (X?) and YouTube about our feelings (and business, of course).

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11 replies to “Should You Give Up on Your Blog? When to Quit Blogging (and When to Stick): 8 Key Considerations”

  1. Ryan, here is one of my points I’ll be sharing with readers re: this post–
    “Even if all you do is read the subtitles, you’ll come away smarter about blogging.”

  2. At first, I thought this was some regular motivational talk (what I was actually looking for), however, this is more!!! I started my blog Incomehob but I started getting tired as it felt like a waste of time, effort, and, money.

    Thank you for revamping my spirit and passion. I’ll always come back to see more awesome posts like this.

    Continue being realistic… Thank you again.

  3. Thank you for the great post. I am on month 7 and not seeing a lot of traffic. I was trying to figure out if I should keep going or throw in the towel.

    I appreciate how you explained the options in your blog post.

    For now, I think I will keep blogging.

    Thanks for the tips.

    • You’re very welcome, Wendy! I hope this was the encouragement (and reframing) you needed 🙂

      Wishing you luck in your refreshed efforts 🙏

  4. Hi Ryan, thanks for the post! Yes, blogging is a marathon. I recently launched a blog, the main subjects would be continuous learning and remote work – . I’m mentally prepared that it won’t get much traffic in the first year, though I surely hope it’ll get some traction sooner : ) I took notes on your other articles to build my SEO strategy, so thanks for that!

    By the way, the post about the blogging frequency that you linked to gives a 404 error:

  5. Hi Ryan, Extremely useful post. I am still in a dilemma on whether to continue with my blog or not, but your post has given some insight into the matter.
    I am blogging for three years and have not earned a single penny. So I thought of quitting.

    But now, after reading your post I will decide what to do.

    Thank you so much and regards.


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