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Blog Income Report for December 2019: How I Earned $22,344.89 Blogging (Last Month)

Welcome to a new year! The last month of 2019 saw me taking a much-needed 2 week break away from work. Even still, I published 2 new long-form articles on blogging-related topics, while spending the bulk of my time updating and improving my top-performing content (to make my existing content library more impactful). Blog income for December came in at $22,344.89. Traffic was about the same as the previous month, bringing in 349,107 readers and 428,451 unique sessions.

On the personal side, I took the first true vacation away from doing any work, for the first time in almost five years. It helped that my fiancé, Shelly, had a full two weeks off from her job for the holidays 😉. But after how much time and effort I’ve put into my blog over the past year, it was a well-deserved reward to give myself some time away to recharge and approach this new year with a fresh focus on what’s most important for my business moving forward. Over the break, we went to a wedding of a good friend in Palm Springs, spent a lot of time with family and got away to Sonoma for a few days of wine tasting and relaxation. I’m really grateful for what this blog has helped me to do 🙏

Now, let’s dig into the numbers for December… blog income dropped slightly from the previous month, but still landed well above my original forecast range. I generated solid affiliate commissions from my guide about how to start a blog and saw another consistent month of sign ups for my comprehensive blogging course, Built to Blog: How to Get Your First 10,000 Readers and Earn Six-Figures Blogging.

Overall, I generated $22,344.89 in blog income during December of 2019.

My massive website redesign project has wrapped up the design phase and is on track to be deployed by the end of January, which I’m super excited about. As a side effect, my final payment to the incredibly talented designer I’ve been working with went through last month, so expenses remained elevated a bit over the average month. Profit for December came in at $13,025.51.

The Forecast 🌤: For January, I’m expecting blog income to take a slight dip as my traffic still continues to stabilize from all the volatility in search last year and as an impending revenue uptick from new affiliates still lags behind. I’m expecting to land in the range of $17,000 – $20,000. My blog income will likely start to climb again starting in February with a pretty sizable uptick (and moving forward consistently) from new affiliate programs as I continue investing heavily in new content to bring in more readers. January’s level of expenses will again be slightly elevated from one-time costs associated with my redesign and development project.

Now, on to the details of my December blog income report…

Blog Income in December 2019: $22,334.89

In these monthly reports, I track my total income every month, including each individual source of that income, and associated expenses with running my business. This is the good and the bad.

Next, I break down the traffic to my blog which heavily impacts my income, including what’s performing best and how I’m working to drive in more readers. I also cover how many email subscribers I’m at, the number of new subscribers acquired during the month, and what that growth trajectory looks like.

Finally, I cover updates on any other side projects I’m working on for the month.

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Now, let’s do this.

Blog Income Breakdown for December 2019

Gross Income


Built to Blog Course Sales


Freelance Clients & Sponsorships




Carbon Ads



Expenses Breakdown

Total Expenses


Web Services: Hosting and Storage

OptimizePress (Renewal)
MoneyTalk Hosting
SmartWP Hosting
The Blogger Source Hosting
Google Drive
Amazon Web Services



Online Tools & Subscriptions

ConvertKit (Pre-Paid Annual)
Bluehost (Test Website)
Adobe Creative Cloud
Quickbooks (Video Conferencing)
Designrr (eBook Software)
Text Expander
Apple (Storage & Apps)
Custom Web Fonts (Redesign)



Professional Services

Freelance Writers
Technical Consultant
Web Redesign Project
Virtual Assistant
Business Insurance



Travel, Office Supplies & Misc

AT&T Service Plan (iPhone)
Internet (Comcast)
Health Insurance
Transaction Fees
Uber and Lyft 🚖




Net Profit Breakdown

Net Profit


Now, on to my blog and email-related statistics.

2. Blog Stats for December 2019: 428,451 Sessions and 133,186 Total Email Subscribers

Blog Income Report for December 2019 Ryan Robinson Google Analytics Traffic Screenshot

December was a pretty flat month in terms of traffic growth over November—largely due to the holidays, which tend to naturally produce less traffic and the near-constant stream of search algorithm updates that can sometimes send search rankings reeling without warning. The great news though, is that almost all of my newest long-form blogging content and guides are continuing to climb the first page of search results for their target keyword phrases (suggesting massive potential this year). There’s been a lot of volatility with most of my competitive search rankings, but I’m confident my investments right now will pay off this year.

The most important evolution of my blog last year, was the amount of new content I consistently published. This year, I’ll be in a position to not worry as much about the search ranking fluctuations of individual articles—as I’m continuing to drive significantly more traffic to a greater number of articles (and revenue sources). That’s my real win last year, the positioning I’m now working with as we head into 2020.

I was down in Sessions from November by 5.31%, as traffic took another bit of a dip. Pageviews dropped to 544,271.

Overall, I’m still up almost 68% in growth year over year compared to December of 2018, so I’m doing alright. My most trafficked posts still continue to deliver strong traffic from organic search and my new content from the second half of last year is climbing in organic search rankings as well. I’m in a great position heading into this new year.

Here are my top 15 trafficked posts from December, ranked in descending order of which drove the most readers:

December saw a pretty static level of traffic given all of the holidays, but readers to my 26,000+ word guide, How to Start a Blog and Make Money remained strong—which is still holding onto good rankings in organic search for competitive terms like how to start a bloghow to blog, and others.

Plua, as more readers land on that guide, more are joining my free course, How to Build a Blog in 7 Days and are offered an opportunity to join my more comprehensive paid Built to Blog course that’ll help them level up their blogging journey even more.

Also in December, I published two new long-form articles for my growing audience of bloggers:

In the lead up to the end of the year, I spent most of my time updating and expanding my most successful guides (to keep them fresh and as impactful as possible):

My plan is to keep publishing a high volume of in-depth content for bloggers this month, with the goal of clearly signaling to Google that my site is primarily about blogging and expecting that to keep delivering me more readers looking for tactical blogging advice over the long haul.

2. Email Subscribers.

ConvertKit Email Subscriber Figures December 2019 Ryan Robinson Blog Income Report

I use ConvertKit to manage my email subscriber community and deliver my emails.

November saw the addition of 4,366 subscribers to my community with my total email list growing to 133,186 subscribers 🎉

This was a static level of new subscribers with the previous month, remaining a bit lower than usual (likely a combination of seasonal trends and short-term traffic swings).

Still, many of my new subscribers came from my influx of blogging-related content and free downloads—which is my ultimate goal to keep focused on. Much of my new subscriber growth continues to be fueled by my free course, Build a Blog in 7 Days which is well-optimized for both affiliate revenue—and for offering my more advanced paid course (Built to Blog).

That’s it for my December blog income report.

I’m still taking a break from recording new podcast episodes for the foreseeable future. While I’ve loved getting to interview and chat with some of my top business heroes, my goal is to bring the show back with an entirely new focus (and format) built specifically around providing the absolute best, most actionable blogging advice for you. With that in mind, I’m slowly planning how to approach the new show and where it fits into my overall business plan for the year. Stay tuned for updates on that!

As I started this report with, for the month of January, I’m predicting blog income to drop a little bit, landing between $17,000 – $20,000 as my traffic has experienced a lot of volatility over the past couple of months (and revenue tends to lag ~2 months behind traffic). My focus remains on publishing a high volume of in-depth blogging content that’ll pay dividends in the long run. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that there will always be ups and downs in blogging—and I’m in this for the long haul.

Another focus for January is to continue my slow update to all of the content in my comprehensive Built to Blog course with brand new lessons, refreshed videos, written lectures and more interviews with top bloggers. After the updates are complete, I’ll be doing a relaunch of the course and increasing the price as the value is going up dramatically.

If you’re looking for some additional reading to help grow your own blog (on the side), I recently updated my 26,000 word free guide to building and scaling a profitable blog right here that I’d love for you to read 😊

Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

I'm a blogger, but I'm not my blog. I am not my business either. Occasional podcaster and very-much-recovering side project addict. Co-Founder at RightBlogger. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog and build a purpose-connected business. Be sure to take my free blogging tools for a spin... especially my wildly popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer. They rule. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter (X?) and YouTube about our feelings (and business, of course).

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17 replies to “Blog Income Report for December 2019: How I Earned $22,344.89 Blogging (Last Month)”

  1. I always enjoy reading your monthly reports! It’s helpful to see the slight dip in traffic is pretty normal for the end of the year. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2020! Happy new year!

    • Woo! Thanks for riding along with me for so long here, Jen. Yep, seasonal traffic trends are always at play behind the scenes (depending upon the industry you’re in), but the exciting thing is that January tends to be the most active month of the year 🙌

      Appreciate the kind words, and good luck with your blog this year too! Excited to see how you do too. Looks like you had quite a busy December—and cheers to us both doing a better job of merging work life with personal life this year!

  2. Another great update, Ryan. Hope you had a great vacay.

    Question: did you write the two long-form posts ahead of time so that you could publish them in December despite the break? Or were you able to knock each one out in a week’s time?

    One of my goals for Q1 is to create a small backlog of “ready to go” content so that any interruptions or delays won’t disrupt my publishing schedule. Seems like you’ve already got that nailed.

    • Thanks, Kyle! Hope you got to enjoy a little downtime last month, yourself 🙂

      Yep! I (mostly) did those two long-form guides ahead of time in November and got them to the point where publishing in December would be a relatively quick task (i.e. less than 1 full day of work), since I knew I’d begin drifting off to family stuff pretty quickly. But yeah, that’s a great plan to get some ready to go content up and running in your queue… I actually almost always have 5-8 articles sitting in my queue, so I’m hitting it hard restocking right now.

      Pumped to see what we both make happen this year!

  3. Stirring report and very transparent, too!

    As a new blogger in this competitive market along with the constant fight with Google Search Engine – it exhausts me sometimes lol. With everyone vying for Google’s attention – this type of robust behavior could flood and drown one’s mind with doubt and cripple it with abject fear. I typically have to learn to crushingly defeat this considerable doubt and feed my faith— I’ll start by taking your “Free Blog” course (Thanks) because I really need to do better.

    Also, sincere thanks to active bloggers like yourself who have continued to be a great inspiration to many of us. It boosts our faith to strive with persistence, and of course with God being the center of our hope of becoming better at what we do.

    Admirable job, Ryan!

    • You’re very welcome, Shondelle! I really appreciate your kind words, and that’s the goal—transparent & helpful 🙂

      Keep up the good work and continue making progress every day! This is going to be an exciting year.

    • Thanks for following along, Amos! 🙂

      Looks like you guys are killing it with Stock Photo Secrets right now. I’ll be watching this year, keep up the great content!

  4. Super inspired by this post and the overall thoroughness of your article and reporting. Loved the breakdown of your affiliate marketing income.

  5. Hello, Ryan
    Another an awesome monthly income report. The best thing is you have also mentioned the affiliate programs that didn’t convert any sales.
    I loved the way you have breakdown your affiliate income.

  6. Hello Ryan,

    Just sent you a long message hope you can respond to it. Love your blog income report. I’m blown away by how much you make and your clarity of expenses. Hopefully you can message me Through my email but yeah man your awesome.

  7. Hey Ryan,
    I noticed you do not use a keywords tool like ahrefs, moz or mangools. Do you use the free version of any of these tools or the keywords everywhere extension for your work or are the topics you come up with for your articles random?

    Would love to know your kw process
    Great work by the way!

    • I do use Ahrefs pretty much daily! I share the cost of the account with a couple of friends though, so the expense doesn’t often make it onto my books 🙂

      And to answer your question, my article topics are never random—always researched. Here’s a guide to my personal process for that:

      Twinword Ideas is my favorite free keyword research tool though, if that’s what you’re looking for!

  8. Hi Sir,
    By looking at online income reports from successful bloggers like you, it inspires us and encourages us to work harder even though it’s hard to rank number one in google search.

    I also know that it’s very difficult to get to your level because competition is so high right now. But at least we try our best. If you have any suggestion or advise to me, do reply to my comment below.


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