The Lack of Information MythThe #1 Excuse Holding You (and Your Business) Back from Achieving Your Goals

If you’re not progressing as quickly as you want, if your business isn’t doing as well as you’d hoped, and you’re trying to learn your way through it… chances are, the lack of information myth is holding you back from taking action & achieving your full potential.

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Starting an online business is overwhelming when you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. I get it.

It’s tempting to take online course after online course… watch more videos, listen to a few pods, and read more guides until you finally feel confident enough to dive in. But the truth is, that day will never come through consuming more education (alone). A lack of information isn’t what’s holding you back.

It’s something else that’s standing in your way—and we’re giving it a name. Today, everything you need in order to build a business around your interests, is right at your fingertips. Whether it’s a free guide, free tools, free courses, or even a quick chat with AI tools like ChatGPT, the “problem” isn’t access to knowledge, information, or education.

It’s not a lack of information, it’s your hesitation to take action, fear of getting uncomfortable, failing, and learning by doing, that’s holding you back from achieving your goals… until you’re ready to get over it and take some swings.

🔑 True clarity comes only through action and direct experience. Access to information is rarely the problem in today’s world, it’s a lack of the willingness to roll up your sleeves, dive in, and risk potential failure, that’s almost always holding you back.

Here’s how to overcome this mental obstacle, change your perspective, and take action today:

I say all of this as a (very) imperfect creator who also wrestles with not always being in the zone and ready to make my best work at the drop of a hat. But it’s this very challenge… the call to rise up and share my work, despite the setbacks, that keeps me coming back for more.

You’re the only one standing in the way of achieving the goals you say you want.

The reality is that your fears are holding you back. And while those fears can feel real inside your own head (trust me, I know)… they’re ultimately made up. They’re not real.

Fears, however justified they may feel, are simply a set of beliefs you’re choosing to hold, and someone else may see the same set of circumstances much differently. Whenever you wanna let go of those beliefs, you can.

Easier said than done, I know. But if you knew beyond a doubt, that you’ll become successful at your craft… in your business… with your art… just by showing up and doing it every day for the next few years… would you do it?

The answer to that question is the real measure of how badly you want the things you say you want. Success is never guaranteed, but if you only ever take a few swings, you can’t be upset at not hitting a home run. You might not even hit the ball on your first couple of swings.

So, take a swing… dust yourself off when you miss, and get back in the game.

The Misconception That Keeps People Stuck

One of the most common challenges I hear, is a version of… “I don’t know enough to start yet.

Ryan Robinson Blogger Confused Look

This makes sense on the surface. It feels responsible, even smart, to want to gather all the knowledge you possibly can, before jumping into something as big as launching a blog or starting any online business.

But if knowledge was the only key to success, why do we see people sitting on mountains of research, still not taking a single step forward?

Information overload easily leads to inaction. You need to find a balance of learning from others & learning through your own experience.

Take for example, this comment from a reader on my (nearly 15,000 word) ultimate step-by-step guide to starting a blog and making money—a guide that, mind you, is packed with video tutorials, infographics, written instructions, and my behind-the-scenes advice on how to build a business around blogging today:

At the bottom of my guide that walks you through exactly how to start, this reader asked for guidance from me on how to start. And they’re not alone in this, either. I get comments and emails like this, almost daily.

The barrier in this case isn’t the lack of knowledge—it’s the fear my reader has, surrounding the act of moving beyond the research phase and into the unknown. Into the stage of taking action… where failure becomes a very real possibility.

Over the years, I’ve learned that digging through endless information often leads to a paralysis of analysis. This is another way of framing the trap I’m calling, the “Lack of Information Myth.”

The Difference Between Knowing and Doing

Even with the best resources and most strategic plans laid out in front of you, it’s the only doing that ultimately counts.

Ryan Robinson Blogger Thumbnails (Collection)

The most polished step-by-step guide won’t help you if you’re too scared to make your first move.

Fear of failure, self-doubt, or just plain overwhelm keep most people stuck at the starting line.

The truth? No one feels fully “ready” the first time they start a new business, make a career shift, or create meaningful life changes.

That’s normal. But starting, even if it’s messy and imperfect, is what builds clarity and confidence.

In fact, it’s the only way to grow your confidence—through direct experience doing the thing. The more you do, the more you’ll learn, the more you’ll grow over time.

Why You Don’t Need Another Guide or Course

Here’s another hard pill to swallow: Most people who buy courses or books with a specific goal in mind, rarely finish them. They collect educational resources, yet have little real results to show for it.

Ryan Robinson Blogger Journaling Stock Photo

Why is this so common? Because we’re easily stuck in a cycle where we think “one more course” will give us the magic edge we need in order to finally succeed.

It’s tempting too, because a lot of course creators make promises that they have the one secret you need, in order to achieve your goals.

Spoiler alert: That course isn’t going to do the work for you. It may help show you what to do & give you some valuable clues as to what’ll work… but watching videos and reading books alone, will never bring something real to life for you.

Success comes from consistently showing up, learning from your failures, and iterating over time.

When you’re hyper-focused on accumulating knowledge, it’s easy to lose momentum and keep putting off action. You could call this elevated procrastination, delaying the uncomfortable, or even a fancy version of ADHD multitasking that leaves you feeling scatter-brained all the time (I get it).

If you’re someone who’s been stuck thinking, “I need to know more before I start,” let me save you months—maybe even years—of delay: just start today.

Start right now actually. Pick one small, actionable step you can do in the next 15 minutes, that’ll move you closer to your goals.

If you notice a reaction rise up inside of you in response to my call for action right now—welcome it. See what it feels like to let that feeling be here for a moment.

Fear, doubt, insecurity don’t have to be permanently crippling. These feelings will pass, and I’ve found it’s helpful to know you’re not alone.

I feel these things all the time. But the reason I’ve been even remotely successful in business, is that I’ve chosen to take action in the face of my fears. And you can do this too. Trust me, I know you can.

Clarity Comes Through Action

You don’t need perfect knowledge to start. What you need is the willingness to take imperfect action.

Look at the state of my videos from 2018 vs where I’ve refined my process in 2025… I didn’t start where I am today, and you shouldn’t try to start where your favorite creators are today, either…

2018 v 2025 Ryan Robinson YouTube Video Comparison Over Time

You have to meet yourself with loving kindness where you’re at right now, and accept that your first creations (likely) won’t be home run successes.

The fastest way to learn is by doing:

  • Write that first blog post
  • Film that first shaky video
  • Publish your first podcast episode
  • Build that product you’ve been thinking about

It might feel intimidating to get started, because you’ll naturally lean towards comparing yourself to others, but that’s just another trap.

Taking action won’t only help you move forward; it’ll help you refine what works and what doesn’t. It’s a process.

My early blog posts were far from perfect (embarrassing in hindsight, really). I cringe at some of the videos I made back when I was just starting out. But here’s the thing—those initial attempts taught me more than any book or guide ever could.

Check out my 23 things I wish I knew before starting a blog for more insights that can save you time and frustration.

Why Consistency Beats Perfection

The Internet loves to celebrate polished end results—viral articles, amazing videos, and massive audiences.

But what you don’t often see, is the grind it takes almost everyone, to get to the top of their mountain.

Behind the success of any profitable online business are hundreds (if not thousands) of at bats—blog posts, videos, and experiments that didn’t land quite right.

Ryan Robinson Blogger in Chicago (Head Shot Photo)

Consistency is the real key. You’re (probably) not going to nail it on your first attempt, and that’s okay.

The more you practice, the better you get. That’s why I teach everyone starting out, to focus on publishing a high volume of work in the early days. Whether it’s your first 25 blog posts or 50 YouTube videos, treat these early efforts as building blocks.

Looking for more hands on guidance around getting the most out of your content efforts? My guide on how to grow a blog can show you how to turn steady effort into measurable success over time.

What Motivated People Do Differently

Here’s the thing about the most successful people I’ve observed: They don’t let uncertainty hold them back.

Ryan Robinson Podcast Side Hustle Project Hero

They also don’t waste time comparing themselves to others or waiting for perfect conditions in order to strike.

Instead, they find ways to keep moving, using their own actions as a guide to figuring things out as they go.

Motivation isn’t magic—it’s built. The choice to act, to push through frustration and failure, is what creates momentum.

If you’re feeling stuck, remember the magic formula:

  1. Start small
  2. Stay consistent
  3. Trust that clarity and progress will come

Then, all you really need is a healthy dose of creativity, and the willingness to experiment & adapt based on the feedback you’re getting on your work.

Your Next Step: Stop Reading, Start Doing

If you’ve made it this far, I’ve got one piece of advice: Put everything you’ve watched (or read) into action.

Think about one small, immediate step you can take today. Maybe it’s choosing a blog niche, brainstorming a few topics, or drafting your very first post. Perhaps it’s shooting that first video or recording a podcast episode. Whatever’s been on your “someday” list—start it now.

If you’re new to blogging, check out my guide to starting a blog for an easy-to-follow roadmap. You’ll find actionable steps to get your blog off the ground without overthinking the process.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection—it’s progress.

Every swing you take, every failure, and every victory is part of your growth.

The only thing truly standing in your way is waiting to feel ready. Trust me, you already are. So, what’s stopping you?

Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

I'm a blogger, but I'm not my blog. I am not my business either. Occasional podcaster and very-much-recovering side project addict. Co-Founder at RightBlogger. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog and build a purpose-connected business. Be sure to take my free blogging tools for a spin... especially my wildly popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer. They rule. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter (X?) and YouTube about our feelings (and business, of course).

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18 replies to “The Lack of Information Myth: The #1 Excuse Holding Your Business Back”

  1. Thanks Ryan, that helps!! a lot.
    I feel like I’m a classic case – this will get me going!!

  2. This is extremely helpful, your post literally stopped me from doing another masters in Finance in order to get a bloody job in this shit market condition. Aiming for consistency with a bit of validation from your blog actually makes a lot of sense to me and I shall strive to do that. Thank you very much, your blog popped up in my email at the right time , literally the perfect time when I almost had a breakdown. Danke!!

    • Wow, I’m really glad this came to you at the exact right moment! I’ll be honest, this isn’t the exact use case I had in mind with this post, but if it resonates with you, I think it hits for a reason and I wouldn’t question it if this stirs something deep down.

      Sounds like there could be a lot more nuance & complexity to your situation (degrees that can unlock more opportunities in your field are still interesting)… but if you can find more personally enjoyable ways to earn a living and make a life that feels meaningful, that’s always the ticket in my opinion. Feel free to drop me an email (or reply to the one you got) if you wanna share more + have a reflection partner. Either way, I’m on your team!

  3. I’m totally at “paralysis of analysis.” I get so many emails from helpful teachers that by the time I’m finished reading the emails, I’m on overload. Thank you for the enlightening article.

    • You’re welcome, Debbie! I’m a BIG fan of taking what I call ‘consumption breaks’ where I take all social media off my phone for days (sometimes weeks or months) when I wanna enter deep make/create mode… I limit my email checking/responding to just a couple times a day too & schedule those blocks of time on my calendar so I have something holding me accountable. If that resonates, give it a try! 🙂

  4. Thanks, Ryan
    It was great advice for me.
    I felt something new that I had never felt before.

  5. Thank you very much for your post. It felt like you were speaking directly to me.
    I have been carrying so much fear, doubt, and a sense of inadequacy.
    I’m constantly seeking more information, education, and practical advice to get started.
    I believed I needed to be completely prepared, which is why I found my way to your page. I’m always searching for that extra bit of help to begin.
    In short, I just don’t know how to start due to overwhelming fear.
    I attend every webinar, hoping to find an easier, ready-made business option. However, I realize that I still need to contribute and handle marketing and other tasks.
    I have many skills, but I’m unsure how to put them into action. From today, I will start something, no matter how small.
    Thank you so much; I am truly grateful.

    • You’re very welcome, Melody! You got this. Trust and believe in yourself, and it shall be so. Success in your craft won’t come without a lot of hard work, consistency, and experimentation… but that foundation of strong self-belief and the trust in yourself to take the next step that’s in front of you right now, is what it’s all about. Small steps daily, that’s the only way.

  6. Perfectly true what you say Ryan. I can admit without hiding that I find myself here too… like many others. The mind is the main saboteur of the action that will start to believe what your attitude commands! When you are sure of yourself, your life opens up in a lot of favorable directions!

  7. Great post! It’s so true that waiting for the perfect moment or more knowledge just holds us back. Action and consistency are key to growth. Thanks for the motivation. I’m ready to take the first step!

  8. Hi Ryan, thank you so much for coming up with such a wonderful and helpful blog post. I’m an aspiring community manager(but also an introvert which might not make sense🥲) and I’ve been overthinking making my first post. I’ve actually watched a lot of YouTube videos of successful marketers and read books but putting in the action is what I’ve been overthinking for months now because I’ve been comparing myself to other successful people and thinking I don’t know enough but you’ve proved me wrong. I’m going to make my first post right away. Watch out cuz I’ll be back and better!

    • that’s what I’m talkin about!!! 👏👏👏 you got this

      shoot me an email with your first post if you’d like some extra accountability ☺️

  9. Thanks for your honesty about what it was like for you in the early days of starting out. This is such an encouraging post. (Of course I’m just going to do a little further research before I take action 😉) No, seriously- thank you.


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