Finding a Profitable Business Idea Course Homepage

Thanks for joining, I’m excited to have you here! A few quick things before you start the course:

1.  Bookmark this page right now so you can return to it anytime.

2.  Take 2 minutes to go to your email inbox right now (we’ll wait 😊). I sent you an important welcome message you need to read before getting started.

3.  Each lesson in this course is comprised of a short video, written lecture and downloadable PDF worksheet where you’ll be implementing the strategies you learn in the course. In order to fill out the worksheets, you’ll need to use a computer (or print them out in advance) as they aren’t fillable from mobile devices or tablets! Create a folder on your computer’s desktop right now so you can save the worksheets and track your progress.

4.  One last hard truth: You’re going to be learning a lot about yourself, uncovering what your strengths & weaknesses are, stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing things you normally wouldn’t do throughout this course. This isn’t meant to be easy, it’s designed to be effective. Stick to the commitment you made when joining this course and you’ll get real results—I promise.

After you’ve read the important welcome email from me, let’s get started!

Do you want to start a blog?

If you already know you’re interested in starting a blog as a way to build your side income, I recently launched a brand new (completely free) master course on How to Build a Profitable Blog in 7 Days.

I’d love for you to come join me in this action-packed course that’ll teach you everything you need to know (step-by-step) through written lectures and video tutorials about launching a blog, driving traffic to your website, building an email list, and monetizing your readership. So, how does that sound?

Now, here’s each lesson of Finding a Profitable Business Idea…

Lesson 1: Discovering a Profitable Niche & Estimating Demand

In Lesson 1, we’re going to uncover your strongest areas of interest, and go through a few activities that’ll guide you toward identifying a profitable niche topic area for your business to operate within.

Lesson 2: The Entrepreneur’s Skill Assessment

This lesson is all about discovering your skills, uncovering your strengths, and learning which types of businesses are going to be most-aligned with your abilities. We’ll break down the difference between soft skills and hard skills, look inward to identify which traits are your best assets, and turn to the friends & family who know you best for an outside opinion.

Lesson 3: Building a Community and Validating Your Idea

In this lesson, you’ll start by uncovering your biggest frustrations about the current solutions in your niche. You’ll take a look at competitors to highlight their shortcomings and determine your greatest opportunities for filling a much-needed void. You’ll craft an elevator pitch, build a targeted list of email subscribers (potential future customers) who are interested in getting updates about your project and you’ll use my copy & paste conversation scripts to begin validating your evolving idea.

Please keep this page private. I worked very hard putting this free course together. If you’d like to share the course with a friend who may benefit, I’d be incredibly grateful! You can share with them the link below:

Thank you for the support! If you have any questions (or feedback – which I greatly appreciate), I’d love to hear from you. Shoot me an email at anytime.