Live (Replay)

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”30″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%234d4d4d” font_shadow=”none”]Replay: Validate Your Idea in the Next 30 Days[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%234d4d4d” font_shadow=”none” line_height=”24″]If you missed our live training on Wednesday, no worries. I’ve got you covered!

Here’s the recording of the entire training (1hr 16min) of How Validate Your Idea in the Next 30 Days below, including about 20min of amazing Q&A at the end. I had a blast getting to chat with so many of you (893 people attended!), thanks for tuning in.

? Keep an eye out early next week! ? We’ll be kicking off a brand new challenge to get you to your first big win on the path to landing real, paying customers for your business idea.[/text_block]




[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%234d4d4d” font_shadow=”none” line_height=”24″]This training is a preview of the in-depth strategies, lessons and step-by-step tutorials we cover in my brand new course, 30 Days to Validate that’ll guide you to finding the right niche business idea & landing your first paying customers in the next 30 days.

Here’s what students are already saying:[/text_block]

Katie of Shared Culture Concepts

“I wasn’t even halfway through lesson 1 of your course when I had a sudden epiphany and I knew exactly what I’m going to be doing. I had been trying to figure it out for at least a year prior. Now, in 3 months I’ve almost doubled my income, and it’s still increasing!

Katie of Shared Culture Concepts

Kevin of Inbound for Startups

“I’ve been taking your advice and guest blogging to build my credibility and audience. I was able to get my first pre-sell for my course this week!

Kevin of Inbound for Startups

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%234d4d4d” font_shadow=”none” line_height=”24″]You can learn more about 30 Days to Validate right here.[/text_block]